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姓名 陈伟 性别:
职称 研究员 学历 博士
电话 +86 0851-85891199 传真: +86 0851-85891199
Email: chenwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn 邮编: 550081
地址 贵州省贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号

  2016年3月至今 中国科学院地球化学研究所    研究员 博士生导师

       2014年1月至2016年3月 于香港大学地球科学系 博士后及研究助理 



  2001年9月至2005年7月: 长安大学资源学院地质系攻读学士学位(地质学专业) 


      岩浆Fe-Ti-V-(P) 矿床 

      热液Fe-(Cu,Au) 矿床(IOCG 












Zhang, W., Chen, W.T*., Mernagh, T.P., Zhou, L., 2021. Quantifying the nature of ore-forming fluids in the Dalucao carbonatite-related REE deposit, Southwest China: Implication for the transport and deposition of REEs. Mineralium Deposita, in press.

Liu, L., Zhang, W., Jin, C., Chen, W.T.*, 2021. Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin of the variable REE enrichments in the Kangdian IOCG province, SE, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 138, 104381.

Ma, R.L., Chen, WT*., Zhang, W., Chen, Y.W., 2021. Hydrothermal upgrading as an important tool for the REE mineralization in the Miaoya carbonatite-syenite complex, Central China. American Mineralogists, 106: in press

Zhang, W., Chen, H.K., Li, J.H., Chen, W.T.*, Zhang, X.C., Tang, Y.W., 2021. Composition of ore-forming fluids in the Huangshuian carbonatite-related Mo-(REE) deposit: Insights from LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions. Ore Geology Reviews, 138: 104284.

Chen, W.T., Zhou M.F., Li, XC, Gao JF, Bao Z, Yuan HL., 2019. In situ Pb-Pb isotopic dating of sulfides from hydrothermal deposits: a case study of the Lala Fe-Cu deposit, SW China. Mineralium Deposita,  54: 671-682

Zhang, W., Chen, W.T.*, Gao, J.F., Chen, H-K., Li, J-H., 2019. Two episodes of REE mineralization in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China: In-situ U-Th-Pb dating of bastn?site and monazite. Mineralium Deposita 54: 1265-1280 (Corresponding author)

Liu L., Chen, W.T.*, 2019. Geology, mineralization styles and age of ore-hosting rocks of the Proterozoic Longbohe–Sin Quyen Fe-Cu belt: Implications for regional metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, 111: in press (corresponding author)

,赵新福,李晓春,周美夫. 2019. 中国铁氧化物--(IOCG)矿床的基本特征及研究进展. 岩石学报, 35(1): 99-118

Chen, W.T., Sun, W.-H.*, Zhou, M.-F., Wang, W., 2018. Ca. 1050 Ma intra-continental rift-related A-type felsic rocks in the southwestern Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research, 309: 22-44

Chen, W.T.*, Zhou, M.-F., 2017. Hydrothermal alteration of magmatic zircon related to NaCl-rich brines: diffusion-reaction and dissolution-reprecipitation processes. American Journal of Sciences 317, 177-215.

Wong, K.H., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T*., O'Brien H., Lahaye, Y., Chan, S.L.J., 2017. Constraints of fluid inclusions and in-situ S-Pb isotopic compositions on the origin of the North Kostobe sediment-hosted gold deposit, eastern Kazakhstan. Ore Geology Reviews 81, 256-269 (Corresponding author)



钟宏,宋谢炎,黄智龙,蓝庭广,柏中杰,陈伟,. 2021. 近十年来中国矿床地球化学研究进展简述. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 401-25

Gao, L.G., Chen, Y.W., Bi, X.W., Gao, J.F., Chen, W.T., Dong, S.H., Luo, J.C., Hu, R.Z., 2021. Genesis of carbonatite and associated U–Nb–REE mineralization atHuayangchuan, central China: Insights from mineral paragenesis, chemical and Sr-Nd-C-O isotopic compositons of calcite. Ore Geology Reviews, 138: 104310.

Wu, Q., Zhao, T.P., Chen, W.T., et al. 2021. Origin of the Qiyugou gold deposit in the southern margin of the NorthChina Craton: Insights from trace elements of pyrite and mineralogy of Bi-minerals. Ore Geology Reviews, 133: 104085.

Meng, L., Zhu, S., Li, X.C., Chen W.T., et al. 2021. Incorporation mechanism of structurally bound gold in pyrite: Insights from an integrated chemical and atomic-scale microstructural study. American Mineralogists, in press

Liu, Z.R., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T.*, et al. 2021. Mercury and sulfur isotopic evidence for the linkages between the ca.510 Ma Kalkarindji large igneous province and trilobite crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 566: 116947

Guo J.H., Leng C.B., Zhang, X.C., Zafar T., Chen W.T., Zhang W., Tian Z.D., Tian F., Lai C.K., 2020. Textural and chemical variations of magnetite from porphyry Cu-Au and Cu skarn deposits in the Zhongdian region, northwestern Yunnan, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 116: 103245

胡瑞忠,温汉捷,叶霖,陈伟,夏勇,樊海峰,黄勇,朱经经,付山岭. 2020. 扬子地块西南部关键金属元素成矿作用. 科学通报65: 1-15

胡瑞忠,陈伟,毕献武,付山岭,尹润生,肖加飞,2020. 扬子克拉通前寒武纪基底对中生代大面积低温成矿的制约. 地学前缘27: 137-150

Liu, PP., Liang, J., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T., 2020. Micro-textures and chemical compositions of metamorphic magnetite and ilmenite: Insights from the Mianhuadi mafic complex in SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 192: 104264

Zafar, T., Leng C.B., Mahar, M.A., Alam, M., Zhang, X.C., Chen, W.T., et al., 2020. Petrogenesis, platinum-group element geochemistry and geodynamic evolution of the Cretaceous Chilas gabbros, Kohistan island arc, NE Pakistan. Lithos, 372-373: 105691

Zhang, W, Williams-Jones AE, Leng CB, Zhang XC, Chen WT, Qin CJ, Su WC, 2019. The origin of CH4-rich fluids in reduced porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo-Au systems. Ore Geology Reviews, 114, in press

Zhao, XF., Chen W.T., Li X-C., Zhou M-F., 2019. Iron oxide copper-gold deposits in China: a review and perspectives on ore genesis. SEG Special Publication, 22: in press (invited)

Lan, CY., Zhao TP., Chen W.T., Long XP., 2019. Trace elemental modification in magnetite from high-grade metamorphosed BIFs in the southern North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 112: in press.

Jin, C., Chen, W.T., Gao, X-Y., Bao, Z.W., Zhao, TP., 2019. Origin of the Wangpingxigou Pb-Zn deposit in East Qinling orogenic belt, China: distal response to the giant Donggou porphyry Mo system?. Ore Geology Reviews, 109: 101-116.

Leng, C-B., Gao, JF., Chen, WT., Zhang, X.C.,  Tian, Z.D., Guo, JH., 2018. Platinum-group elements, zircon Hf-O isotopes, and mineralogical constraints on magmatic evolution of the Pulang Porphyry Cu-Au system, SW China. Gondwana Research, 62: 163-177.

Leng, C-B., Cooke DR., Hou, ZQ, Evans NJ, Zhang X-C, Chen WT, Danisik M, McInnes BIA., and Yang J.H., 2018. Quantifying exhumation at the giant Pulang porphyry Cu-Au deposit using U-Pb-he dating. Economic Geology, 113(5): 1077-1092

Jin, C, Gao, X-Y., Chen, W.T., Zhao, T-P.*, 2018. Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Donggou porphyry Mo deposit at the southern margin of the North China Craton: evidence from chemistry of biotite. Ore Geology Reviews 92, 84-96.

Wang, W.*, Pandit, M.K., Zhao, J.H., Chen, W.T., Zheng, J.P., 2018. Slab break-off triggered lithosphere - asthenosphere interaction at a convergent margin: The Neoproterozoic bimodal magmatism in NW India. Lithos 296-299, 281-296

Li, X.C., Zhou, M.F.*, Chen, W.T., Zhao, X.F., Tran, M.D., 2018. Uranium-lead dating of hydrothermal zircon and monazite from the Sin Quyen Fe-Cu-REE-Au-(U) deposit, northwestern Vietnam. Mineralium Deposita, 53: 399-416

Hu, R.-Z.*, Chen, W.T., Xu, D.R., Zhou, M.F., 2017. Reviews and new metallogenic models of mineral deposits in South China: An introduction. a sepical issue in Journal Of Asian Earth Sciences 137, 1-8

Zhao, X.F.*, Zhou, M.F., Su, Z.K., Li, X.C., Chen, W.T., Li, J.W., 2017. Geology, geochronology, and geochemistry of the Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Ag) deposit, Southwest China: implications for the formation of iron oxide copper-gold deposits in intracrationic rift settings. Economic Geology 112, 603-628.

Wang, W.*, Cawood, P.A., Pandit, M.K., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T., 2017. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope evidence for an Eoarchaean crustal remnant and episodic crustal reworking in response to supercontinent cycles in NW India. Journal of the Geological Society, 174: 759-772.

Liu, P.P.*, Zhou, M.F., Zhao, G., Chung, S.L., Chen, W.T., Wang, F., 2017. Eocene granulite-facies metamorphism prior to deformation of the Mianhuadi mafic complex in the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone, Yunnan Province, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 626-640.

Zhao, W.W., Zhou, M.-F.*, Chen, W.T., 2016. Growth of hydrothermal baddeleyite and zircon in different stages of skarnization. American Mineralogist 101, 2689-2700.